Lonny D. Matlick D. O
Say Hi to Sue Orlando, M.A.  Sue is a licensed Audiologist who trained at Kean College, and Rutgers University.  Sue has a Masters Degree in Audiology, and will be providing Audiologic services to the practice.
Since not all of our patients with ear complaints require hearing evaluations, we schedule
our testing much as we would schedule x-rays or blood tests at other testing sites.  If you
require testing, an appointment will be scheduled for you to meet with the Audiologist at a
specific time.  Once your testing is completed, the Doctor will interpret it for you and help
you to understand the nature of your hearing.  If you have hearing loss, it will be characterized
and quantitated for you such that you can then be offered the best possible treatment options.

There are 2 types of hearing loss.  CONDUCTIVE HEARING LOSS indicates a problem with sound
transmission from the outside world to your ear nerve.  This can be caused by ear wax, diseases
of the ear drum, middle ear fluid, or problems with the ossicles (middle ear bones).  CONDUC-
TIVE HEARING LOSS is most often treatable, either with medication (for fluid or infection), or with
surgery to correct blockages or problems with the ear drum or chain of sound conduction.

SENSORINEURAL HEARING LOSS (nerve loss) indicates that the ear nerve has lost some degree
of function.  This is usually a permanent condition, and can be treated in certain situations with
amplification (hearing aids), and in rare cases with surgery (implantable devices).  Advances in
technology and engineering along with improved surgical techniques will make this an ever
increasing possibility in the coming years.
Caring As Part Of Your Care Since 1985

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