Lonny D. Matlick D. O
It's MY very own "Bully Pulpit"!  I'll be answering your questions, responding to your
comments and concerns, and keeping you all up to date on Medical, Insurance, and
Societal issues.  Please keep your questions and comments concise and relevant. 
Medical information and advice should be considered as "general" and not necessarily
directed to YOUR particular Medical problem.  Remember...THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE
FOR A FACE TO FACE ENCOUNTER WITH A PHYSICIAN when it comes to evaluating,
diagnosing, and treating medical problems.  I urge YOU to be the steward of YOUR
health, and the health of your loved ones.  Prevention is the key to good health!  Eat well,
exercise often, get your annual physical and recommended screenings, take your
medications as directed, and you'll have your best chance at a long and healthy life.
Caring As Part Of Your Care Since 1985

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